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Clark County School District Policy and Regulation 5112
Change of School Assignment
The Board of School Trustees approved revisions to District Policy and Regulation 5112, Change of School Assignment (COSA) on September 23, 2021. These revisions are effective for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year, including the replacement of the zone variance process with COSA and the elimination of open enrollment, minority-to-majority, select school enrollment, and residential affidavits. These revisions aligned with COSA promote equity for students and efficiency of resources. The processes and protocols, including communication, student applications, and the lottery, will be managed centrally within the College, Career, Equity, and School Choice Unit.
School Participation in COSA
Schools with available space will be included in the District’s COSA application process. The list of eligible schools is identified in collaboration with the Demographics, Zoning, and Geographic Information System (GIS) Department. Multiple factors are considered, including a school’s available capacity and enrollment, projected future enrollment, and current building utilization.
COSA Process for Families
● The District will annually post a list of schools with available space at It’s Your Choice. The list of schools with available space will be posted on Thursday, December 16, 2021.
● Families may apply through an online application process to a school with available space within the COSA process. If there are more applications than available space, the District will conduct a computerized, random lottery for student selection.
● The COSA process will begin on December 16, 2021, through January 11, 2022, for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. In subsequent school years, the COSA process will begin in early fall.
● Parents/Guardians can access the online application through It’s Your Choice on Thursday, December 16, 2021.
● If a student does not enroll in the new assigned school by the specified deadline, the COSA will be revoked and the student will attend his/her assigned zoned school.
Students Grandfathered
Students who are attending a school within the following options will be grandfathered and will be allowed to remain at the school they are currently attending until the highest grade offered at the designated school is completed.
● Open Enrollment
● Minority-to-Majority
● Select School Enrollment
● Students in Grade 4 during the 2021-2022 School Year on a Zone Variance
● Students in Grade 7 during the 2021-2022 School Year on a Zone Variance
● Students in Grade 9 through Grade 11 during the 2021-2022 School Year on a Zone Variance Students
Not Grandfathered
● Students must either complete an application for a COSA at a school with available space or return to their assigned zoned school for the 2022-2023 school year. Families will receive formal notification from the District with this information during the week of December 13, 2021.
● A student of a District employee may attend the school where the employee is employed regardless of space available, as long as the employee provides verified proof of the parental rights or legal guardianship of the student and completes a COSA application to verify the request. Please note that students of school-based College, Career, Equity, and School Choice Unit December 2021 College and Career Readiness and School Choice Division Page 1 of 2 staff who are currently attending through a zone variance who are not grandfathered will receive notification and will need to complete a COSA application on or before January 11, 2022.
Resources for Communication with Families
1. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document will be available for families at It’s Your Choice on Thursday, December 16, 2021.
2. Families applying for a COSA can access the online application through It’s Your Choice on Thursday, December 16, 2021.
3. There is not an appeal process if a student is not selected for a COSA through the lottery process; however, the student will remain in a pool of available applicants.
4. If a family has faced a life-changing or catastrophic situation that requires consideration for a COSA, they may contact (702) 799-1040 for assistance. Families will be required to provide written justification at cosaccsd@nv.ccsd.net.
5. Assistance for families and schools is available at cosaccsd@nv.ccsd.net and/or (702) 799-1040.
Site Preparation
1. Effective for the 2022-2023 school year, the zone variance process will be replaced with COSA. Families may centrally apply for a COSA for the 2022-2023 school year through It’s Your Choice beginning on Thursday, December 16, 2021.
2. Ensure that all support professionals and educators at the school are aware of these changes.
3. Work with the school’s registrar to generate a report through Infinite Campus of all enrolled students with a "Z" code, and ensure there is a CCF-836 on file for each student. Conversely, students should have a “Z” code if there is a CCF-836 on file. Generate the Ad Hoc report titled, “DMO-Active Students with a Zone Variance.”
Thank you for your support and collaboration as we work to implement COSA procedures in CCSD.