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Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Programs and Activities 

The PTO runs many events throughout the course of the school year: Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat, Donuts for Dads, Muffins for Moms, Fall/Spring Book Fair, Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, and more.  In addition to these special events we also have programs that run the course of the school year.  Please read about these programs below, please check out Dojo for event news/updates and our Social Media Platforms: Facebook: Heckethorn PTO Group Instagram: @heckethornpto

Heckethorn "Bee" Bucks and Snack Shack

Your child will have the opportunity to receive Heckethorn Bucks by displaying positive behavior throughout the school day and returning any papers sent home back to school with a signature from a parent/guardian.  All teachers and staff will be handing them out.  Your child will be able to redeem Heckethorn Bucks at the Snack Shack on Fridays.  If your child is in kindergarten, special arrangements will be made for him/her to participate.  At the Snack Shack, your child will be able to purchase treats using their Heckethorn Bucks or real money (10 Bee Bucks or $1/ per snack). Students will be limited to purchasing one snack item per day.  Students may also save their tickets for events like BBQ Lunch, Water Day, or Slim Day. We are still working on getting additional events approved.


Box Tops for Education

In an effort to bring more money into the school, we will be participating in the Box Tops for Education program.  Please download the new Box Tops App on your smart device and continue to send them in on the 2nd Friday of every month for collection.


Evenings Out in the Community

The PTO will be organizing Evenings Out in the Community.  All of the businesses we will be partnering with will give a portion of the proceeds back to the Heckethorn PTO.  This money will allow us to provide supplies and programs throughout the school year, including the Fall Festival, Donuts with Dads, Muffins with Moms, class parties, Snack Shack and Staff Appreciation Week.


We thank you for all that you do to support Heckethorn.  We would love to have you as a member of the PTO.  If you would like to receive emails letting you know of meeting dates and opportunities to volunteer, please email us at  All of our programs will run more effectively if we have parental involvement.  We appreciate your support.

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